Le Phra Katha Chinanbunchorn : une Magie puissante
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Le Phra Katha Chinanbunchorn : une Magie puissante
Bonjour à tous, je tenais à partager avec vous ce secret bien gardé des bouddhistes Thaï.
Selon le vénérable LP Taweesak :
Le Phra Katha Chinanbunchorn est certainement un des mantras les plus puissants qui existe. Lorsqu'on le récite l'esprit concentré, on reçoit une pluie de bénédictions de l'ensemble du mandala de tous les Devas..."
Ce Phra Katha Chinanbunchorn est certainement le meilleur des Talismans Bouddhiste qui existe, il apporte un grand réconfort, une grande protection, des solutions inattendues à vos problèmes et la réalisation de vos voeux si il est récité avec foi journellement. Il développe "Metta", l'amour inconditionnel envers les êtres "nos mères passées", la méditation et purifie le karma du passé.
Réciter 3X la prière de refuge suivante :
Penser au très saint Somdej Phra Puttajarn Toh
Puis réciter :
Putta GarMoLa PayPutTung TaNaGaMoLa PayTaNung AutThi GarYay GarYar YarYa TayWaNung PiYaTung SootTaWa (u=ou et ung=eng).
Ensuite on chante le Phra Katha ( voir vidéo en bas de page ) :
La vidéo pour la prononciation (vous pouvez la transformer en MP3 avec le logiciel qui va bien pour vos méditations), au début ce n'est pas facile mais c'est comme tout avec la pratique...
Merci de me donner vos impressions sur la pratique.
Buddha bless you !
Selon le vénérable LP Taweesak :
Le Phra Katha Chinanbunchorn est certainement un des mantras les plus puissants qui existe. Lorsqu'on le récite l'esprit concentré, on reçoit une pluie de bénédictions de l'ensemble du mandala de tous les Devas..."
Ce Phra Katha Chinanbunchorn est certainement le meilleur des Talismans Bouddhiste qui existe, il apporte un grand réconfort, une grande protection, des solutions inattendues à vos problèmes et la réalisation de vos voeux si il est récité avec foi journellement. Il développe "Metta", l'amour inconditionnel envers les êtres "nos mères passées", la méditation et purifie le karma du passé.
Réciter 3X la prière de refuge suivante :
Penser au très saint Somdej Phra Puttajarn Toh
Puis réciter :
Putta GarMoLa PayPutTung TaNaGaMoLa PayTaNung AutThi GarYay GarYar YarYa TayWaNung PiYaTung SootTaWa (u=ou et ung=eng).
Ensuite on chante le Phra Katha ( voir vidéo en bas de page ) :
"Cha Ya Sa Na Ka Tha , Puttha Chay Ta Wa MarRung SaWa HarNung , Jattu Sutja SaPung Rasunk Yay Pivingsu Na Ra Sa Pa"
( The Buddhas,the noble men who drank the nectar of the four Noble Truths,
Having come to the victory seat, having defeated Mara together with his mount: )
"Tun Hung Ga Ra Ta Yo Putta AudTaVee SaThi NaYaGa , SupPay PaThidTiTar MaiHung Mud Ta Gay Tay Muss Nis Sa Ra"
( These Buddhas, the 28 leaders, the sovereign sages beginning with
Tanhankara are all established on the crown of my head. )
"See Say PaThiThidToh MaiHung Puttho Dhummo TaViLoJaNay , Sunkho PaThiThidToh MaiHung AuRay Sappa KuNaGaRo"
( The Buddha is established in my head , the Dhamma in my two eyes,
The Sangha----the mind of all virtures----is established in my chest. )
"HaTaYay May ArNuRutTho SareePutTho Ja TukKhiNay , GohnTunYo PhidThiPar KusSaMing MokKunLaNo Ja Wa Mar Gay"
( Anuraddha is in my heart , and Sariputta on my right.
Kondanna is behind me , and Moggallana on my left. )
"TukKhiNay SaWaNay MaiHung ArSoong ArNunTaRaHuLo , GusSaPo Ja MaHaNaMoh AuPaSoong WaMaSoTaGay"
( Ananda & Rahula are in my right ear,
Kassapa and Mahanama are both in my left ear. )
"GaySunTay PhidThiPar KusSaMing , SuRiYo Wa PaPungGaRo , NiSinNo SiRiSumPunNo , SoPiTo MuNi PoongKaWo"
( Sobhita, the noble sage, sits in full glory, shinning like the sun all over
the hair at the back of my head. )
"GuMarLa GusSaPoh TayRo , MaHaySee JitTa Wa Ta Go , So MaiHung WaTaNay NidJung , PhaThidThaSi KuNaGaRo"
( The great sage, the mind of virture, Elder Kumarakassapa, the brilliant speaker,
is constantly in my mouth. )
"PoonNo AungKuLiMarLoJa AuParLee NunTaSeeWaLee , TayRa PunJa E May ChaTa NaLaTay ThiLaGar Ma Ma"
( Five elder---Punna Angulimala, Upali, Nanda, & Sivali---have arisen as
ausipicious marks at the middle of my forehead. )
"SaySarSeeThi MaHaTayRa ViShiTar ChiNaSaWaGa , A Tay SeeThi MaHaTayRa ChiTaWunTo ChiNoRaSa , ChaLunTar SeeLaTayChayNa AungKaMungKaySu SunThiTar"
( The rest of the 80 great leaders----victors, disciples of the victorious Buddha,
sons of the victorious Buddha , shining with the majesty of moral virture----
are established in the various parts of my body. )
"RaTaNung PuRaTo ArSi , TukKiNay MetTaSootTaGung , TaChakKung PudShaTo ArSi , WaMay AungKuliMarLaGung"
( The Ratana Sutta is in front of me, the Mettra Sutta to my right.
The Dhajagga Sutta is behind me, the Angulimala Paritta to my left. )
"CunTaMoRa PaRitTunJa , ArTar NarThiYa SoodTaGung , ArGarSay ShaTaNung ArSi , SaySar PaGarRaSunThiTar"
( The Khandha & Mora Parittas and the Atanatiya Sutta are a roof in space above me.
The remaining suttas are established as a fortress wall around me. )
"Chi NaNa WaRaSunkYootTha , SudTupPaGarRa LungGaTar , WaTaPidTa ThiSunChaTa , ParHeRutChaShutTu PudTaWa"
( Bound by the power of the Victors, realm, seven fortress walls arrayed Against them. )
"ArSaySar ViNaYung YunTu , ArNunTa ChiNaTayChaSar , WaSaTo May SaGitJayNa , SaTar SumPutThaPunChaRay"
( May all misfortununes within & without----caused by such
things as wind or bile----be destroyed without remainder through the majesty of the unending Victor. )
"ChiNaPunChaRa MutChumaHe ViHaRunTung MaHee TaLay, SaTa PaLenTu Mung SupPay Tay MaHaPuRiSarSaPar"
( As I dwell, in all my affairs, always in the cage of the Self-awakened One, Living grounded in the midst of the Victors, I am always guarded by all of those great noble men )
"ItJayWaMunTo SuKootTo SuRukKho , CheNarNuParWayNa CheTuPudTaWo , DhumMaNuParWayNa CheTarReSunkKho , SunkKaNuParWayNa CheTunTaRaYo , SudDhumMarNuParWa Parrithtoh JaRaMi ChiNa Pun Cha Ray Thi"
( Thus am I utterly well-sheltered, well-protected.
Through the might of the Victors, misfortunes are vanquished
Through the might of the Dhamma, hordes of enermies are vanquished
Through the might of the Sangha, dangers are vanquished
Guarded by the might of the True Dhamma, I live in the Victor's Cage. )
"Cha Ya Sa Na Ka Tha , Puttha Chay Ta Wa MarRung SaWa HarNung , Jattu Sutja SaPung Rasunk Yay Pivingsu Na Ra Sa Pa"
( The Buddhas,the noble men who drank the nectar of the four Noble Truths,
Having come to the victory seat, having defeated Mara together with his mount: )
"Tun Hung Ga Ra Ta Yo Putta AudTaVee SaThi NaYaGa , SupPay PaThidTiTar MaiHung Mud Ta Gay Tay Muss Nis Sa Ra"
( These Buddhas, the 28 leaders, the sovereign sages beginning with
Tanhankara are all established on the crown of my head. )
"See Say PaThiThidToh MaiHung Puttho Dhummo TaViLoJaNay , Sunkho PaThiThidToh MaiHung AuRay Sappa KuNaGaRo"
( The Buddha is established in my head , the Dhamma in my two eyes,
The Sangha----the mind of all virtures----is established in my chest. )
"HaTaYay May ArNuRutTho SareePutTho Ja TukKhiNay , GohnTunYo PhidThiPar KusSaMing MokKunLaNo Ja Wa Mar Gay"
( Anuraddha is in my heart , and Sariputta on my right.
Kondanna is behind me , and Moggallana on my left. )
"TukKhiNay SaWaNay MaiHung ArSoong ArNunTaRaHuLo , GusSaPo Ja MaHaNaMoh AuPaSoong WaMaSoTaGay"
( Ananda & Rahula are in my right ear,
Kassapa and Mahanama are both in my left ear. )
"GaySunTay PhidThiPar KusSaMing , SuRiYo Wa PaPungGaRo , NiSinNo SiRiSumPunNo , SoPiTo MuNi PoongKaWo"
( Sobhita, the noble sage, sits in full glory, shinning like the sun all over
the hair at the back of my head. )
"GuMarLa GusSaPoh TayRo , MaHaySee JitTa Wa Ta Go , So MaiHung WaTaNay NidJung , PhaThidThaSi KuNaGaRo"
( The great sage, the mind of virture, Elder Kumarakassapa, the brilliant speaker,
is constantly in my mouth. )
"PoonNo AungKuLiMarLoJa AuParLee NunTaSeeWaLee , TayRa PunJa E May ChaTa NaLaTay ThiLaGar Ma Ma"
( Five elder---Punna Angulimala, Upali, Nanda, & Sivali---have arisen as
ausipicious marks at the middle of my forehead. )
"SaySarSeeThi MaHaTayRa ViShiTar ChiNaSaWaGa , A Tay SeeThi MaHaTayRa ChiTaWunTo ChiNoRaSa , ChaLunTar SeeLaTayChayNa AungKaMungKaySu SunThiTar"
( The rest of the 80 great leaders----victors, disciples of the victorious Buddha,
sons of the victorious Buddha , shining with the majesty of moral virture----
are established in the various parts of my body. )
"RaTaNung PuRaTo ArSi , TukKiNay MetTaSootTaGung , TaChakKung PudShaTo ArSi , WaMay AungKuliMarLaGung"
( The Ratana Sutta is in front of me, the Mettra Sutta to my right.
The Dhajagga Sutta is behind me, the Angulimala Paritta to my left. )
"CunTaMoRa PaRitTunJa , ArTar NarThiYa SoodTaGung , ArGarSay ShaTaNung ArSi , SaySar PaGarRaSunThiTar"
( The Khandha & Mora Parittas and the Atanatiya Sutta are a roof in space above me.
The remaining suttas are established as a fortress wall around me. )
"Chi NaNa WaRaSunkYootTha , SudTupPaGarRa LungGaTar , WaTaPidTa ThiSunChaTa , ParHeRutChaShutTu PudTaWa"
( Bound by the power of the Victors, realm, seven fortress walls arrayed Against them. )
"ArSaySar ViNaYung YunTu , ArNunTa ChiNaTayChaSar , WaSaTo May SaGitJayNa , SaTar SumPutThaPunChaRay"
( May all misfortununes within & without----caused by such
things as wind or bile----be destroyed without remainder through the majesty of the unending Victor. )
"ChiNaPunChaRa MutChumaHe ViHaRunTung MaHee TaLay, SaTa PaLenTu Mung SupPay Tay MaHaPuRiSarSaPar"
( As I dwell, in all my affairs, always in the cage of the Self-awakened One, Living grounded in the midst of the Victors, I am always guarded by all of those great noble men )
"ItJayWaMunTo SuKootTo SuRukKho , CheNarNuParWayNa CheTuPudTaWo , DhumMaNuParWayNa CheTarReSunkKho , SunkKaNuParWayNa CheTunTaRaYo , SudDhumMarNuParWa Parrithtoh JaRaMi ChiNa Pun Cha Ray Thi"
( Thus am I utterly well-sheltered, well-protected.
Through the might of the Victors, misfortunes are vanquished
Through the might of the Dhamma, hordes of enermies are vanquished
Through the might of the Sangha, dangers are vanquished
Guarded by the might of the True Dhamma, I live in the Victor's Cage. )
La vidéo pour la prononciation (vous pouvez la transformer en MP3 avec le logiciel qui va bien pour vos méditations), au début ce n'est pas facile mais c'est comme tout avec la pratique...
Merci de me donner vos impressions sur la pratique.
Buddha bless you !
Dernière édition par Dhyân le Ven 15 Mai 2020 - 16:02, édité 1 fois
Re: Le Phra Katha Chinanbunchorn : une Magie puissante
Les vibrations de ce mantra me touche profondément,
un grand Merci Dhyân
un grand Merci Dhyân
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Re: Le Phra Katha Chinanbunchorn : une Magie puissante
Après plusieurs jours d'écoute et de récitation, je commence à ressentir les effets : une grande paix; oui une vraie paix
Après plusieurs jours d'écoute et de récitation, je commence à ressentir les effets : une grande paix; oui une vraie paix
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Re: Le Phra Katha Chinanbunchorn : une Magie puissante
Du coup, je vais l'écouter en boucle!
Invité- Invité
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